8. Electronics production

Group assignment

Kicad not kitkat

This week we return to the ordeal of burning, I mean, to the wonderful world of soldering iron and fiberglass, to start this adventure, the first thing is to design a circuit, for this, you must take into account what fusion it will have. as well as the elements that will compose it.

Getting into the matter, you have to download KIcad, install it and install the libraries, in this case by clicking on "Manage preferences" and add the "Fab.kikad_sym" folder to download symbols and to manage FOOTPRINTS we repeat the process but we are going to name the folder the same as the symbols folder but in lowercase and we add the "fab.pretty" folder.

In order to begin with the digital design of the board, we must take into account the elements that we are going to use and if they are available in the libraries that we installed or we must look for another library that has this element, this work will be very simple, contemplating two resistors and pins that will be used for both LEDs and servomotors and sensors.

Once the design is ready, we must export the file as SVG and process it with "MODS" so that it can be cut with the MINIMILL, to generate the Gcode.

In order to be able to reuse the xiao, this time I decided to solder female pins so that I could assemble and disassemble it when I needed to use it on other tracks.

This job worked!

Ready for the next step…